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1) Emergency Eye Care

2) Sports Eyewear

3) Prescription Sunglasses

4) Spectacle Lenses

5) Frames Choice In Store

6) Contact Lens Consultation

7) Children's Eyecare

8) Retinal Imaging

9) Eye Examination

Spectacle Lenses

In recent years there have been major developments in spectacle lens technology, all designed to improve your vision and to make your spectacles more comfortable to wear and to look more attractive.

We are happy to discuss and advise the most suitable lens required for your lifestyle and individual visual requirements. With there being so many lens combinations now available, we feel that our expert advice can help you make the correct choice for your needs within your budget.

We can also demonstrate using a computer software programme the appearance of your finished lenses in your individual prescription once the frame has been chosen and a few measurements have been taken. This is particularly useful for higher optical prescriptions where thinner lenses would be advised to reduce the thickness and weight.

We will be able to advise you on the latest developments in:

1: Varifocal Lenses – (the modern alternative to bifocal lenses without the line). They are normally advised for people over the age of 40, normally when separate distance and near prescriptions are required, giving you clear vision at all distances. 

2: High Index Lenses – In the past, some patients who have had a more complex prescription have had to put up with thicker and heavier lenses in their spectacles. Thankfully today's advances means the super thin and light weight high index lenses now make them look great and feel more comfortable.

3: Transitions – They are fast acting variable tinted lenses which darken in sunlight. Indoors they are clear, but outside they rapidly darken effectively changing them into conventional sunglasses. Transitions are available in grey or brown tints and offer 100% protection against damaging UV light.

4: Lens Coatings – These are advised to reduce annoying reflections, improve the appearance of your spectacles and most importantly to enhance your vision. More recent advances in technology now mean you can get the added benefit of them being anti-scratch, anti-dust, repellent to water, grease and dirt making them more durable and a lot easier to clean.

For any further information on any lens type, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Why choose P.K. Bahri Ophthalmic Opticians?

  • Over 25 Years experience in private practice and hospital Ophthalmology Departments
  • P.K. Bahri is an Independent Prescribing Ophthalmic Optician BSc(Hons), FCOptom, DipOC, DipClinOptom, DipTp(IP), FAAO
  • P.K. Bahri can treat many eye conditions
  • P.K. Bahri has worked in the world famous Moorfield's Eye Hospital
  • Conditions requiring surgery can be diagnosed and early referrals can be made where necessary

Upminster Practice

P.K. Bahri Ophthalmic Opticians
172 St Mary's Lane Upminster
Essex RM14 3BT
Phone and Fax No:
01708 228397

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

9.00am to 5.30pm


9.00am to 4.30pm

Closed for lunch

1.00pm to 2.00pm
