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1) Emergency Eye Care

2) Sports Eyewear

3) Prescription Sunglasses

4) Spectacle Lenses

5) Frames Choice In Store

6) Contact Lens Consultation

7) Children's Eyecare

8) Retinal Imaging

9) Eye Examination

Eye Examination

We rely on our sight in all aspects of daily life and therefore an eye examination is essential to monitor eye health and maintain the best vision possible.

We strive to provide the most thorough eye examinations using latest technology and equipment so you, the patient have full confidence in our findings and recommended management.

What to expect?

Our eye examinations usually last about half an hour but we will advise you if you require any extra specific tests and how long these may take.

We have a general routine we perform for every patient but as we like to treat every patient as an individual the optician will tailor the examination similarly, which guarantees you a thorough examination executed smoothly, keeping you as relaxed as possible.

As well as including all tests to check for your sight and to see if any vision correction is required (e.g. spectacles, contact lenses) we also check for any potential eye disease like Glaucoma, Cataract, Macular degeneration to name a few.

Our equipment includes a digital retinal camera which allows us to take photographs of the inside of your eyes so even small abnormalities can be detected, recorded and compared in future checks. Combining this with modern examination techniques we can ensure all is done to help prevent unnecessary deterioration to your sight and eye health. Other tests we will carry out include binocular assessment (how well the eyes work together), peripheral visual field analysis and intraocular pressure measurement.

The optician will always explain the results of the various assessments and you will be given every opportunity to ask any questions you may have. The recommendations given at the end of the eye examination by the optician will take into account factors such as your working environment, lifestyle and any leisure pursuits you have, so we can meet your visual needs in the best possible way.

How often should one have an eye examination?

We advise regular eye examinations for everyone including children even when you are not experiencing any difficulties. In accordance with national guidelines the recommended intervals are set out in the table below:

National guidelines for eye tests

1: Aged 15 years or below

every year

2: Aged 16 – 69 years

every 2 years

3: Aged 70 years and over

every year

4: Diabetic and Glaucoma patients

every year

5: Aged 40 years or over with an immediate relative with Glaucoma

every year

The above are general guidelines but if it clinically required an eye examination may be advised more frequently, the optician will advise you of this.

Please contact us if you have any queries or questions about our eye examination and related issues, we would be most happy to advise you.


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Why choose P.K. Bahri Ophthalmic Opticians?

  • Over 25 Years experience in private practice and hospital Ophthalmology Departments
  • P.K. Bahri is an Independent Prescribing Ophthalmic Optician BSc(Hons), FCOptom, DipOC, DipClinOptom, DipTp(IP), FAAO
  • P.K. Bahri can treat many eye conditions
  • P.K. Bahri has worked in the world famous Moorfield's Eye Hospital
  • Conditions requiring surgery can be diagnosed and early referrals can be made where necessary

Upminster Practice

P.K. Bahri Ophthalmic Opticians
172 St Mary's Lane Upminster
Essex RM14 3BT
Phone and Fax No:
01708 228397

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

9.00am to 5.30pm


9.00am to 4.30pm

Closed for lunch

1.00pm to 2.00pm
